Wesleyan students visiting Colt Park.

In its Winter 2022–23 newsletter, the National Park Service highlighted a budding partnership between the Center for the Study of Guns & Society at Wesleyan University and Coltsville National Historical Park, writing: “The partnership represents a strong foundation for supporting current research and student engagement locally, throughout the Precision Valley, nationally and internationally.”

In October 2022, staff from Coltsville as well as the Springfield Armory National Historic Site participated in the CSGS inaugural fall conference, Current Perspectives on the History of Guns and Society, including speaking on a panel focused on museums and firearms.

In addition, through the Carceral Connecticut Project (supported by the Mellon Foundation), Wesleyan students toured both Coltsville and the Springfield Armory as part of their research on the manufacture, culture, and legal questions around firearms.

Read more about these collaborations.
